Tag Archives: faith

I Got Fat In PA

Photo: Walmart.com

Photo: Walmart.com

A few months ago I went back to Pennsylvania for a short rest. During that time, I told myself that I would enjoy my vacation to the fullest. Of course, that meant eating everything I wanted, despite my diet. For the entire week, I did not regret eating poorly and told myself that I would do it again if I could. However, at the end of the trip, I had a different perspective.

I replayed all of my healthy lifestyle changes prior to PA, and realized that I allowed my dedication and hard work to slip away.  Although I’m getting back on track with my eating, it would have been easier to stay consistent while in Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately, I learned a  hard lesson, but I gained revelation that can help others in their real life experiences.

There are times when we make rash decisions, enjoying ourselves in the moment, only to fall prey to delusion; we forget about the long-term results. It’s time to stop making decisions based on the “now,” without regard for the future. You have a great destiny and purpose; therefore, realize that where you’re going will be affected by the decisions you make presently. Choose not to mess it up playing around with things that have no significance or added value towards your future.

I tell you, gaining some weight, definitely wasn’t any added value to my life.  However, I most definitely learned my lesson and will continue with healthy living 🙂 Team CONSISTENT HEALTHY LIVING!

What are some of your health goals?  Have you remained consistent? 


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