Run to Me

Attributed to: kyz


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”   

Matthew 11:28 NIV   

I usually write something short and sweet on Inspirational Thursdays, but today I woke up with a heavy heart. I prayed and asked God what it is He wanted me to share.   

I was living a lifestyle, running away from God when I needed to be running towards Him.  He was trying to catch my attention, but I didn’t want to be caught. I was hanging onto my freedom, when everything in my life was jacked up… relationship with my boyfriend, mom, dad, friendships, finances, emotions, physical health, career… I felt like my world was tumbling.  The weight of the world was tearing and breaking me down day by day…and everyone around me could see it!! I looked a complete mess…   

You may be going through some challenges and turmoil right now (rent due, boyfriend cheating, girlfriend cheating, kids acting crazy, illness, friends passing away, and maybe more)… I’m telling you, you don’t have to go through this alone. You have such a great purpose within this world, if you only gave Him your undivided attention, He could save you. As I’m writing this, I just get so emotional because I only came to God when things were going terribly wrong in my life. I was a runner… I ran and ran until I hit rock bottom. It was there that I realized that I couldn’t go on like this forever and needed God in my life.  I mean, I tried EVERYTHING, but God!!   

I beg you… no, I plead with you, give your heart to God today! OR you may need to REDEDICATE YOUR LIFE TO HIM… You never know what tomorrow holds. If you don’t know how to, PLEASE, email me and I’ll show you how… it’s simple! Actually, I’m going to write the prayer below and you can say it aloud to God.   

Please, let Him be your guide! You may be going through hell right now and just wish someone would just hold you or understand exactly what it is that’s going on in your world. I know it may be hard to give up that lifestyle of doing whatever you’re doing… having sex, drinking, cursing, etc… but I promise you –I know someone who can wipe away every single heartache, physical pain, financial problem…–WHATEVER you’re going through.   

God’s trying to grab your attention, will you listen?   



CONGRAAAAAAATS!! You now have given your heart to God and are saved 🙂 …   


[Disclaimer: this is me just writing, so grammar and punctuation may be off]


Filed under Inspiration

8 responses to “Run to Me

  1. This is very good kia. Nice to see you using your gifts to save a soul. Awesome. Blessings.

  2. oliviaisready

    Thank you for this. I was raised Catholic, but I left the church a few years ago. I’ve been thinking about going back…it’s just hard to bring myself to do it. This is inspiring.

  3. Nice Comments You Got me Thinking for Just A Moment About My Relationship With God.I Hope To Be Doing Something About I Soon! Thanks Alot.

  4. eternallyhopeful

    Good Friday to you Lakia! I’m so happy that you are no longer ‘a runner’ as you would say. What a great term! Indeed, if we each quit running, God is there waiting. It is a lifetime growth and journey to continue to rest on him as our strength. I certainly would never survive such a difficult world. I actually was hospitalized this past Wed. Chest pains since Sunday, again on Wed, in the ER and overnight to be discharged yesterday evening. It sure makes you appreciate health. Not sure what happened. But, I know more then ever during these times that I need God as my strength. My strength, absent God, is weak and failing. I’m sure a future post to be written when I’m feeling a bit better.

    God bless! May he watch over your every step and continue to guide you. I’m certain that Jesus has GREAT plans for your life as you remain steadfast and focused on Him. Love in Christ, Roxanne

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